Happy Cabbage

Make $30 for every $1 spent.

With an average open rate of 90%, the WebJoint x Happy Cabbage integration can increase sales significantly.


See some of the industry's most powerful retargeting features below.

Retarget Customers

Start the conversation with those customers you haven't heard from in a while.

GeoFence Your Texts

Reach customers in any particular area of your operation.

Increase ROI

On average, deliveries earn $30 for every $1 they spend on a campaign.

Robust Filtering Tools

Filter by money spent, last date of purchase, favorite brands and products, and more.

Personalized Messages

Send customized message to any individual or group of people for that special touch.

cannabis delivery software - integrations


Our integration allows for immediate functionality upon launch.

Free Resource
Guides & eBooks

Need some extra help with your cannabis delivery? Take a look at our library of free resource guides and eBooks— from standard operating procedures, to
financial best practices.

These guides are put together with love and care by our in-house team and industry leaders.

Grow with us. Stay connected.

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