3 Reasons Cannabis Delivery Services Fail to Retain Customers

Cannabis Delivery Services are racing to the top –

Cannabis delivery services are always looking to go out of their way to curate a unique purchasing experience and retain their customers. 

It’s apparent that brands are taking over the industry with a high demand and being able to provide the customer with the products they are looking for can help you maintain a central position in the game of delivery services. The race to the top is “on” with the consolidation of businesses and the limited amount of market share that California has to offer.

Make sure you avoid the following 3 mistakes to be the best delivery service in your area.

The best cannabis delivery services make it easy to contact their drivers.

Tookan’s demo interface highlights unique features such as dispatch management, driver communication, and real-time tracking.

As a consumer, it makes little sense to use a delivery service if you have to guess when your delivery driver may arrive with the product that you’ve ordered. Eliminating the issue of not being able to communicate in real-time with drivers can truly be the deciding factor as to whether or not a customer chooses to use your business again.

Safety is a large concern for an industry that has been deemed a “cash-only” industry. The comfort and safety of your customers and staff should take a central position in the way that you choose to run operations. Real-time communications between consumer and driver allow for safe transactions to take place with the guessing game being eliminated from the process.

Is this an issue you’re trying to fix?

Check out what Tookan has to offer! Tookan gives dispatch centers the ability to see delivery driver locations in real-time and track each delivery vehicle as it progresses on routes. Decreasing the risk by way of providing a means to communicate with drivers and create a consumer-driver dialogue, Tookan has changed the way that cannabis delivery services operate. Adding to that, the software company puts a date & time stamp on every order received as well as each completed task which makes staying compliant that much easier.

Related: 7 Questions to Ask When Purchasing Software for Your Cannabis Delivery Service

Driver kit is not sufficiently kept!

Let’s cut to the chase with this one—your driver inventory kit should NEVER let down a customer. This means that drivers should keep a live inventory ledger of the product that they are carrying not only to be sure that they can fulfill the requested order but stay compliant by making live adjustments to the quantity of products being carried. Delivery services that ignore this simple part of being in business are ultimately the ones that lose customers just as fast as they were gained.

Customers that aren’t capable of being serviced due to a driver lacking stock in their driver kit is a blatant “no-no” that can be easily avoided. Unfulfilled orders clearly result in a loss of revenue and influence customers to find a delivery service that consistently delivers on their promise.

Make sure your drivers are always stocked with your best selling product as delivery service customer loyalty comes down to blowing your customer’s expectations out of the water!

Not offering a loyalty system as a Cannabis Delivery Service? 

Rewards programs are a vital asset to customer retention for cannabis delivery services.

Establishing a rewards system in the form of a customer loyalty program is a common way of retaining customers that is oftentimes overlooked.

Try offering tiered rewards systems that have realistic and tangible prizes for returning customers. Loyalty points give you the opportunity to engage customers in a way that is personal and builds upon an established relationship between your business and clientele.

Providing realistic and tangible rewards in order to promote a sense of urgency makes loyalty systems pay for themselves. The premise of rewards systems is not only to retain customers, but do so in a way that provides value for the customers and centers a customer’s autonomy to redeem the points that they have earned. For additional details on the types of rewards systems that you can offer your customers, check out our article on Successfully Implementing a Rewards Program for Your Cannabis Delivery Service.
Loyalty programs have the ability to maintain the relationship you have previously established with your customer in ways that others can’t!

Deliveries are the true winners!

Cannabis delivery services are the future of the industry. Being able to provide your customers with a satisfactory experience is no easy task, but can be completed with each sale processed by establishing a clear method of communication, ensuring that driver kits include what customers want, and offering a loyalty system that users can easily understand.

Give us some of your delivery service “best practices” by commenting below!

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Customer Service Best Practices for Your Cannabis Delivery Service

Great cannabis delivery customer service increases the chances customers spend more money –

Cannabis delivery customer service is the driving force behind your retail location’s success. Going above and beyond the expectations of your customers is sure to keep your retail operation as a standout choice, which creates customer loyalty while increasing the overall outreach of your location. Word-of-mouth marketing is highly effective and top-notch customer service will definitely spark the conversation between customers and friends.

Make sure that you’re creating an experience that’s tough to forget by implementing these 5 customer service best practices into your daily operations.

Fun facts, solid information.

WebJoint’s resource guides keep everyone from operators to consumers up-to-date on regulation changes.

Providing great cannabis delivery customer service starts with giving customers every reason to come back. The other is by ensuring that you have consistent branding throughout the entirety of your operation. Having a team that carries forward an attitude that looks to blow your customer’s mind each time they walk in is one way to rise to the top. Operating with the attitude of being able to provide your customers with accurate and new information every time they visit, not only shows your attention to detail with recent developments, but can make your location a centerpiece for educational content.

Providing your customers with information on where the product they are interested in comes from, who grows it, extracts it, and the brand’s core values is important to providing a customer experience! Facts on the brands you carry are easy to attain and show a deeper appreciation for the impact that a product may have on an individual’s life.

Customers go to dispensaries for a particular experience as much as they visit to purchase their favorite brand’s product. Being able to improve their connection to the industry in a way that provides them with some sort of educational value goes above and beyond seeing them as a means to an end—and believe me, they’ll know it!


Create a customer relationship, not just a transaction.

Repeat customers are the backbone of your CA cannabis delivery service.

Providing your customer with new information that’ll either improve or reinforce their understanding of the way the cannabis industry works is one way to stat to build a relationship with that customer. Other ways that are effective, begin with understanding why they are in your retail location to begin with. Is it a medical reason? Recreational enjoyment? First-time consumership that looks to dive into the world of legal cannabis?

Customer retention gives your cannabis delivery the upper hand as you have the ability to track purchase habits and follow up with the results or improvement of conditions the a customer may be treating in a medicinal way. In recreational cases, a customer relationship might touch upon new products that align with the customer interests.

Stay on top of it and keep notes on customers in order to engage them in a raw, human-to-human way


Maintain a welcoming environment for your cannabis delivery service.

Customer success comes down to consumers feeling like they are a part of your retail family.

We’ve previously covered the importance of branding your delivery service in a way that creates an environment that is welcoming for each customer; now let’s touch upon a few other important aspects.

Your overall branding starts with the logo that you create and the relationship between your logo and the core values of your company. With that being said, having a logo is more important than just creating something that looks good and has little-to-no thought process behind the meaning. From the logo to the aesthetic appeal of your location with color palette, furniture, and apparel, creating an environment that is easy to understand has a significant impact.

Music that fits the “vibe” of your location is one way to work on the subconscious level of the consumer, allowing for the energy in the room to stay high and positive. Your location’s vibe is everything and little factors add up to provide big value.

Be sure to keep branding consistent and take the time to think about the meaning behind selected colors, music, and furniture.

Great cannabis delivery customer service involves following up with your customers!

Suggested cannabis products are a collective effort. Consumer feedback is key to a successful operation.

Understanding what customers are looking for starts with engaging your customer in a way that creates an open line of communication. Following up with customers and potential clients isn’t just an effective sales method, but shows that as a fellow community member in the cannabis space, your staff is paying attention to the important aspects of providing alternative medical and recreational choices to the general public.

Use patient data and purchase history to your advantage from a point-of-sale that provides you with accurate sales reports on-the-fly. Following up to make sure that what your customer purchased the last time they were in was satisfactory, will make your customers understand that you care about their overall satisfaction.

Personal relationships and connections to your customer base raises the bar for competitors in your area while maintaining and improving customer relationships.


Keep your menu up-to-date.

Moxie 710’s eCommerce provides real-time information on available products.

There is a multitude of ways to negatively affect your cannabis delivery customer service. One of the top ways to disappoint a customer is to lack the item they are looking for. This means that updated online menus are an absolute must while giving your customer the ability to order directly from your website.

Unconverted sales due to low stock are not only easily avoidable but are one way to deter your customers from returning to your location. Retail locations that are able to get what a customer wants, time and time again, provide a seamless experience while capitalizing on consistent revenue. Maintain an eye on the level of your menu items and convert sales by being able to fulfill requested orders.

The facts are simple: you disappoint customers when they visit your store & you can’t provide what they want—stop this problem in its tracks and be sure to keep an accurate menu of items in stock.


Customer loyalty matters.

Creating customer loyalty for your retail operation comes down to curating an experience for your customers each time they visit. In a world where cannabis brands are getting set to take over the entirety of marketshare, standing out as a location that provides an unforgettable experience for the customer is pertinent to the success of your delivery service!

What’s your take on providing the ultimate cannabis delivery customer service?

Comment below!

Related: A Definitive Guide to Compliance — California Cannabis Dispensaries

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6 Ways Cannabis eCommerce Can Increase Sales for Your Delivery

Cannabis eCommerce shops are popular now more than ever. 

Going direct to consumers with a cannabis eCommerce shop is growing in popularity. Having a delivery service automatically gives you an upper hand in being able to convert sales as you can provide a quick and efficient way for consumers to get their favorite cannabis products. Having a website is critical to the success of your delivery service. Websites are the bread and butter of raising awareness around your brand and you know what they say, “nothing escapes the internet.”

As a delivery service, your primary goal is not only to make money, but to streamline the way that a customer places orders. Think about it—it’s incredibly rare for someone not to have a mobile device that they use to buy things on. Whether that is clothing, food, or cannabis. On average, delivery services with a website are capable of producing a 20% increase in sales. Why?


Online Ordering Creates Increased Sales

WebJoint’s clients have the ability to take orders directly from their .com website.

Online ordering is hands-down the easiest way of getting the goods that you are looking for. The digital age has centered online ordering as the go-to method for making sales. The reason Amazon seems to have “taken over the world” is because of how quick and painless it is to use their website.

Cannabis is no different and as a delivery service, being able to take orders online increases the amount of sales that you can process which means that you are bringing in more money than you previously were capable of. E-commerce helps give customers more access to cannabis goods while streamlining the purchasing process.

Related: 7 Questions to Ask When Purchasing Software for Your Cannabis Delivery Service


Purchasing Habits Can Be Tracked

WebJoint’s POS works to give you cannabis analytics that are accurate and easy to use.

What you do with sales data matters. Setting up a website for your delivery service comes with positives that extend beyond increasing the amount of orders that you can process. E-commerce allows you to track data points such as the average amount that your customers spend, how frequently they are purchasing products, and what they are purchasing.

Using this data to improve your day-to-day operations gives you the ability to analyze what changes need to be made to your inventory and more importantly, give you a fool-proof way of adjusting your marketing tactics. It’s a fact that retaining a customer is easier than finds getting a new one so be sure to use your sales data to re-market to specific customer groups.

Related: Using Data to Maximize Cannabis Delivery Service Efficiency


Customers Know How to Contact You

Why make your customers guess about business hours, product details, and general questions?

A big problem with the majority of delivery services is the inability to be contacted by consumers that have questions about products, setting up delivery, and overall general communication. By having a website, clients no longer have to wonder about how to communicate with your business. This means that customers can experience a heightened level of customer service and choose your delivery service over a competitor’s.

If customers can’t contact you with questions, chances are they are moving onto the next delivery service that carries the same products that you do—make sure that you retain these customers by providing them with the necessary ways of contacting you. Common methods include a hotline, text messaging, and having a chat widget directly on the website.

Related: Growing Your Manufacturing Business by Aviva Spectrum


Your Delivery Service Can Be Found on Google

Cannabis delivery services found on Google are capable of servicing consumers in a consistent way.

It’s safe to say that the majority of the population knows how to use google for internet searches. By having a website, you can be sure to show up in these searches and work on the SEO of your business. SEO relates directly to your website’s ranking in google searches and believe it or not, this is an incredibly useful tool that a website provides you with.

Raising brand awareness starts with your website and funnels into social media that can then be used to link to your website and begin taking orders. Having a loyal following is sure-fire way of rising to the top!


The Internet Has a Global Reach

Cannabis is a global topic of discussion – don’t miss out on becoming a top-notch delivery service.

The internet is an international database of information. Take advantage of the fact that websites can be seen from anywhere around the world by establishing a website that highlights your core values, best practices, and tells your company’s story. Control the narrative of your company and show the world that your delivery service is a top-notch choice that everyone should strive to be like.


Free Cannabis eCommerce Shops Eliminate the Barrier to Entry

Your website is the key to cannabis delivery service success!

If cost is prohibiting you from creating a website, rest assured in knowing that free website builders are available to use! Although there may not be a severe level of customization offered with free services, having a basic website is better than not having one at all. The barrier to entry with free sites is quite literally only relevant to whether or not you want to make the effort to create a website.


Don’t believe in cannabis eCommerce? You’re losing!

Falling short of the annual revenue that you want to generate due to not having a website in the digital age is unacceptable. Websites can provide you with insightful analytics, boost awareness of your brand, and give customers the tools they need to effectively communicate with you. E-commerce today is by far one of the most essential tools that you need to have in order to succeed in this industry.

Create a website and watch your business grow!

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3 Basic Details to Know About the Brands Your Cannabis Delivery Service Carries

The cannabis brands you carry can make or break your business –

There’s what seems like an infinite amount of brands entering the cannabis market right now and it’s important, now more than ever, to be able to accurately explain to your customers how these brands differ from one another. In a similar way to common goods, cannabis can be vetted and is being bought in a new way—with the ethics and messaging of brands being taken into close consideration.

The implementation of seed-to-sale software for California’s regulated market has forced brands to wear their core values on their sleeve. What customers look for in products, is not only about the best quality, but also about the best methods of sourcing the product. If following, seed-to-sale implementation with METRC has opened the doors for a variety of products to be explored based on the brand’s practices, oftentimes stemming from their core values! The result is a new-age of cannabis that centers mindful consumption.

Mindful consumption of cannabis is on the rise and these are 3 important questions that your staff should be able to answer about the brands you stock!


How do they grow or extract their products?

Lowell Herb Co. takes an artisanal approach to growing cannabis.

Different growing techniques are one aspect of the industry that customers are showing an increased interest in. To name a few: Indoor, outdoor, organic, non-organic, soil, and hydroponic are methods that are used to cultivate cannabis.

Cultivation practices that center small-batch techniques are perfect for the mindful consumer that is interested in boutique brands. These smaller brands not only offer an increased ROI due to the simple principle of supply and demand, but also offer customers to choose a brand with a mission statement they want to support.

Aligning a customer’s values to that of a brand creates a new avenue of the purchasing process that should be taken advantage of.

The same can be said about concentrate products that are in high demand. Different extraction methods such as using CO2 and the difference between nug and trim runs are a few methods to stay well-versed on. Clients looking for a certain type of concentrate may be surprised that a companies’ methods are comparable to another brand’s, suddenly yielding an opportunity to expand options.

It’s pretty simple: large-scale operations may put out a quality product, but not align with the ethics and values that a customer believes should be supported. Small-batch goods may not appeal to the customers that are interested in large-scale, consistent availability of a product. This is not to say that one is better than the other, but instead that these are factors that contribute to a customer’s purchasing decision.

Keeping your staff up-to-date on the different methods adds to the customer experience and overall ability to retain them as a repeat client.

Related: 7 Questions to Ask When Purchasing Software for Your Cannabis Delivery Service


What are the core values of the company?

Moxie 710 looks to set industry standards for extract cannabis products.

The ethics of a brand and the value this brings to the industry is part of the new-age paradigm shift that is occurring. In the same way that consumers are mindful of the products they purchase, cannabis consumers are starting to understand that the same principle can be carried over when making purchases!

A company’s core values are the bread and butter of their operating practices. Mindful consumers might be interested in hearing about these values as they translate into the quality of the product that is being offered. It also gives the customers an opportunity to find causes they would like to support or tap into an identity that a brand looks to portray.

The core values of any given brand is reflected in the type of packaging they use. Opting for renewable and sustainable methods is one avenue of core values that illustrates, for example, the importance of environmental issues on a micro scale.

Related: 5 Questions Customers Will Ask That Your Cannabis Delivery Service Staff Should be Able to Answer

Supporting small business is nothing new and the emotional connection that consumers make to particular brands results in brand loyalty while providing a constant factor that influences future consumer choices.


Where is their primary location?

There’s no question where LA Kush resides.

Supporting local businesses is an important new-age approach to buying products. Customers looking to contribute to local brands should be guided into knowing about the geographical location of goods they are looking to purchase, which in turn influences the scope of products that might be of interest to them.

But there’s more than just explaining that a brand is from a particular area. The terroir of a region provides a source of information that consumers might adhere to. The variety of flavors, environmental influence on growing, and regional differences are noticeable to the connoisseurs of the bunch. In short, different geographical locations can produce different flavors due to the influence that the environment helps play a part of.

The origins of a cannabis product such as it’s location taps into the age-old practice of examining fine wines. In a similar way that wines carry territorial traits that are picked out by specialists, cannabis too has particular traits that can only be found in specific areas of the world. Strains take on traits as generational growing practices are passed down, creating unique characteristics that are the signature of a particular region.

This is just one example of how location may influence purchasing habits.

Indoor and outdoor growing techniques are oftentimes central to weather-permitting locations and this too can be an indicator that your customers look for. Outdoor brands coming from the Mendocino Triangle, for example, are primarily grown outdoor under the sun, taking terroir and naturalistic practices to the purest level.

Location can help consumers identify with the current cannabis scene in their area and for those with greater experience, helps promote that “signature” trait that is being looked for.


What matters to you?

Cannabis brands are popping up left and right, each with their own persona, core values, and methods of cultivation. This information, if not given to your customers by staff, is left up to the marketing team of the brand in question. Having information on these 3 details of each brand you carry not only allows for you to show your customers something new, but shows that your staff takes their job seriously.

Related: A Definitive Guide to Compliance — California Cannabis Dispensaries

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to blow away your customers and answer questions with a level of complexity that centers their needs!

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