Published, November 8, 2018

6 Ways Cannabis eCommerce Can Increase Sales for Your Delivery

Cannabis eCommerce shops are popular now more than ever. 

Going direct to consumers with a cannabis eCommerce shop is growing in popularity. Having a delivery service automatically gives you an upper hand in being able to convert sales as you can provide a quick and efficient way for consumers to get their favorite cannabis products. Having a website is critical to the success of your delivery service. Websites are the bread and butter of raising awareness around your brand and you know what they say, “nothing escapes the internet.”

As a delivery service, your primary goal is not only to make money, but to streamline the way that a customer places orders. Think about it—it’s incredibly rare for someone not to have a mobile device that they use to buy things on. Whether that is clothing, food, or cannabis. On average, delivery services with a website are capable of producing a 20% increase in sales. Why?


Online Ordering Creates Increased Sales

WebJoint’s clients have the ability to take orders directly from their .com website.

Online ordering is hands-down the easiest way of getting the goods that you are looking for. The digital age has centered online ordering as the go-to method for making sales. The reason Amazon seems to have “taken over the world” is because of how quick and painless it is to use their website.

Cannabis is no different and as a delivery service, being able to take orders online increases the amount of sales that you can process which means that you are bringing in more money than you previously were capable of. E-commerce helps give customers more access to cannabis goods while streamlining the purchasing process.

Related: 7 Questions to Ask When Purchasing Software for Your Cannabis Delivery Service


Purchasing Habits Can Be Tracked

WebJoint’s POS works to give you cannabis analytics that are accurate and easy to use.

What you do with sales data matters. Setting up a website for your delivery service comes with positives that extend beyond increasing the amount of orders that you can process. E-commerce allows you to track data points such as the average amount that your customers spend, how frequently they are purchasing products, and what they are purchasing.

Using this data to improve your day-to-day operations gives you the ability to analyze what changes need to be made to your inventory and more importantly, give you a fool-proof way of adjusting your marketing tactics. It’s a fact that retaining a customer is easier than finds getting a new one so be sure to use your sales data to re-market to specific customer groups.

Related: Using Data to Maximize Cannabis Delivery Service Efficiency


Customers Know How to Contact You

Why make your customers guess about business hours, product details, and general questions?

A big problem with the majority of delivery services is the inability to be contacted by consumers that have questions about products, setting up delivery, and overall general communication. By having a website, clients no longer have to wonder about how to communicate with your business. This means that customers can experience a heightened level of customer service and choose your delivery service over a competitor’s.

If customers can’t contact you with questions, chances are they are moving onto the next delivery service that carries the same products that you do—make sure that you retain these customers by providing them with the necessary ways of contacting you. Common methods include a hotline, text messaging, and having a chat widget directly on the website.

Related: Growing Your Manufacturing Business by Aviva Spectrum


Your Delivery Service Can Be Found on Google

Cannabis delivery services found on Google are capable of servicing consumers in a consistent way.

It’s safe to say that the majority of the population knows how to use google for internet searches. By having a website, you can be sure to show up in these searches and work on the SEO of your business. SEO relates directly to your website’s ranking in google searches and believe it or not, this is an incredibly useful tool that a website provides you with.

Raising brand awareness starts with your website and funnels into social media that can then be used to link to your website and begin taking orders. Having a loyal following is sure-fire way of rising to the top!


The Internet Has a Global Reach

Cannabis is a global topic of discussion – don’t miss out on becoming a top-notch delivery service.

The internet is an international database of information. Take advantage of the fact that websites can be seen from anywhere around the world by establishing a website that highlights your core values, best practices, and tells your company’s story. Control the narrative of your company and show the world that your delivery service is a top-notch choice that everyone should strive to be like.


Free Cannabis eCommerce Shops Eliminate the Barrier to Entry

Your website is the key to cannabis delivery service success!

If cost is prohibiting you from creating a website, rest assured in knowing that free website builders are available to use! Although there may not be a severe level of customization offered with free services, having a basic website is better than not having one at all. The barrier to entry with free sites is quite literally only relevant to whether or not you want to make the effort to create a website.


Don’t believe in cannabis eCommerce? You’re losing!

Falling short of the annual revenue that you want to generate due to not having a website in the digital age is unacceptable. Websites can provide you with insightful analytics, boost awareness of your brand, and give customers the tools they need to effectively communicate with you. E-commerce today is by far one of the most essential tools that you need to have in order to succeed in this industry.

Create a website and watch your business grow!

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